Robert Redford Blames Oscar Snub on Studio

Publish date: 2024-05-01

2013 New York Film Critics Circle Awards

The 2014 Oscar nominees were announced yesterday, and while we think the nominations were on point, there was going to be some backlash. Let’s face it – not everyone could get a nod with so many great films and performances this past year. One of the first celebrities to acknowledge an Oscar “snub” was Robert Redford. Redford appeared before the press yesterday to discuss the Sundance Film Festival, but found it impossible to avoid discussing his Academy rejection.

Redford said he wasn’t upset by the slight for his performance in All is Lost, but he did express some discontent with the film’s distributors Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions.  When these films go before to be voted on, usually they’re heavily dependent on campaigns that the distributors provide,” he said. “There’s a lot of campaigning that goes on and it can get very political, but that’s okay. Because it is a business.”

The gathered media supported Redford by booing moderator Sean Means of the Salt Lake City Tribune when he announced the news. Believe it or not, Redford hasn’t been nominated for an Oscar in 40 years. He was last nominated for his performance in 1973 in the movie The Sting.

Image via Cindy Ord/Getty Images
