Chicago Med Premiere Recap 09/25/19: Season 5 Episode 1 Never Going Back To Normal

Publish date: 2024-05-27

Chicago Med Premiere Recap 09/25/19: Season 5 Episode 1 "Never Going Back To Normal"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Tuesday, September 25, 2019, episode and we have your Chicago Med recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Med season 5 episode 1 called, “Never Going Back To Normal,” as per the NBC synopsis, “In the season five premiere, Will and Natalie face the aftermath of a horrific car incident and are left to battle for their lives.

An investigation is launched following the suspicious death of the elder Cornelius Rhodes, Dr. Rhodes’ father. Maggie receives life changing news. Dr. Charles cuts his honeymoon short to tend to a young patient he suspects might have schizophrenia.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago Med begins tonight with Dr. Will Halstead (Nick Gelhlfuss) holding Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) after their car was smashed; Will is able to take Natalie in before both are taken into separate trauma rooms. Will keeps insisting to Elsa Curry (Molly Bernard) that he okay; only wanting to get back to Natalie. Philip Davis (Ian Harding rushes to the hospital after learning that Natalie was in a car accident, saying he is Natalie’s fiancee and Dr. Marcel is giving him an update, agreeing that he can come up with her as long as he stays out of the way. They wheel her up to Xray as Will can only stand back and watch.

Dr. Ethan Choi (Brian Tee) runs into the ED, where Dr. Danial Charles (Oliver Platt) learns from Sharon Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) she never called him because it was his wedding night. Everyone is concerned about both Will and Natalie. Nurse Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) and Nurse April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) are all there to find out the latest, Natalie is unresponsive but stable. Maggie attempts to keep the ED running while they cope with their own being injured. Daniel tries to see Will, but he only shakes his head.

Maggie tells Nurse Doris she needs her, as well as Sharon as she is short-staffed; even Dr. Marcel is asked to stay behind; they have a young boy named Cameron Geddes who was found wandering naked and is delusional; he comes in by ambulance with his grandmother, Nancy (Kathy Baker). CeCe decides to leave to go get a massage and facial as she knows the hospital needs Daniel. Maggie reveals to Sharon that she needs to get a biopsy as they found a mass.

They cuff Cameron to his bed, upsetting his grandmother by giving him more drugs to get him to relax. Meanwhile, Will begins to get dressed when Dr. Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) confronts him on being a terrible patient. Will tells him that Natalie got into the car to tell him something but she didn’t get something to finish when they got hit by the car. Maggie comes into the room, telling Connor that Dt. Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) is there to speak to him; making him suspect it has to do with his father’s death which was deemed suspicious.

Dr. Ava Bekker (Norma Kuhling) comes out from seeing Kevin and Connor walks in. Kevin wants to know why his father was given insulin; wanting to know who would intentionally want to hurt his father? Connor says there is any number of people who would want to do it. The CPD knows that Connor punched his father in public for sleeping with Ava in front of everybody and wants to know what his alibi is. He was at the family home looking at photographs. Kevin says he respects Connor for saving a lot of lives around there but he needs to make sure that Connor didn’t take one.

Natalie’s scan shows that she has liver lacerations, but Sharon informs everyone that it is still a wait and see and she will let them know if anything changes. April stops Ethan and tells him they need to go to the pharmacy; he agrees.

Connor confronts Ava about her going to the police about him and his father; feeling she did it in hopes that he would get back together with her. He grabs her arm, telling her that he believes she is the one who killed his father; just as Dr. Isidore Latham (Ato Essandoh) walks in the room. She feels he is as delusional as his mother. She asks him what he is set to inherit with his father dead?

April comes out of the bathroom, saying the test is negative, but it is weird that she is never late; but he says it is great as they can still go to Cabo and drink margaritas; both suggesting to get back to work. They go to see the Donovan family, with their patient being Thomas Donovan who has a bad headache, who is very tired and can’t see you from the side; Ethan orders some tests.

Dr. Marcel and Dr. Charles return to tell Nancy that Cameron’s tox screen came back negative, so they have no idea what he has taken yet. They want to admit him to the psych ward, where he can get a thorough examination, even though this could be something completely physical but she is in total denial. She only agrees to have him admitted to another floor, but they both feel he is at the prime age for schizophrenia but right now they are dealing with two people right now and the easier it is to ease the grandmother into the diagnosis the easier the transition for the family.

Dr. Latham finds Dr. Rhodes and tells him that Ava has filed a complaint against him with HR about physically touching her, something he has witnessed; including accusing her with murder. Connor says he can’t prove it one way or the other that Ava did it, but he knows she did. Meanwhile, Thomas’ labs came back normal, but they don’t know what is going on and want to do a CT scan of his head; they ask to speak away from their son; April offers to stay with them so they can speak to Ethan. Ethan hopes the scan can help them find out what is truly bothe4ring their son.

Will goes to see Natalie, apologizing to her; something Philip isn’t pleased with. He informs a shocked Will that they are engaged and shows that Natalie is even wearing his ring: causing Will to leave, but Dr. Marcel confronts him, saying there was no ring on her finger when she came in, saying as his doctor this is his business.

Will stands on the roof where Connor joins him. He tells Connor he knows that Natalie was going to tell him that she was engaged to Philip; Connor says he knows but it is all kind of weird, as Philip is the one who told him about it, right as his daughter was being prepped for surgery and you think he would have been thinking about that. Will feels he is only short of breath and finally agrees when he can barely breathe to get checked out.

Maggie is laying on the table with tears in her eyes, as Sharon is close by for her biopsy. Ethan returns with Dr. Sam Abrahms (Brennan Brown) because Thomas can barely see anymore. They do a quick eye test and as they step outside show there is a benign tumor on the his optic nerve and they need to operate immediately, but they are positive about the outcome. They share how Thomas was a surprise for them, and now they can’t imagine life without them; something that worries both of them.

Will needs to be admitted and Connor needs to insert a chest tube or he could die. He pleads with Connor that he wants one that doesn’t force him to be in the hospital any more; Connor agrees. Dr. Marcel and Daniel have an argument on their hands as Nancy Geddes won’t allow them to keep her grandson, but they hold her back and have him admitted as he is 18 years old. Meanwhile, Ethan informs April that he thinks they may be doing something too wrong and stops Sam from going into the operating room. He agrees for him to do the bloodwork but if they delay the surgery Thomas could end up blind or comatosed.

Latham tested the blood of Connor’s father and promises they will be able to find out who had access to the insulin that killed his father as he found a specific strain in it to identify it; so these two can stop accusing each other of who killed his father and the department can get back to normal. Connor chases after Ava. She grabs a scalpel saying they really could have had it all, and slices her own throat. He screams for help as he attempts to help her. Dr. Latham rushes in and they run into the OR as Connor keeps the pressure. Sharon is shocked to hear that she tried to kill herself.

Natalie is waking up and Sam is able to pull out her breathing tube, casing her to cough over and over. She is able to reveal she knows she is in the hospital, recognizing him as Sam; but doesn’t know why they are in the hospital nor what lead up to it. He is happy, that all things considered, she is doing well. He is going to let in her fiancee but she has no idea what he is talking about and looks down at the ring crying.

Connor and Latham work hard on Ava but the alarms sound as Sharon looks on. Connor massages her heart but Dr. Latham tells him she is gone as the alarms keep sounding. Time of death is 16:22. Sharon says until they sort through this, this is not to become public knowledge.

Dr. Marcel tells Daniel an Internist is coming to see their patient, congratulating Daniel on his marriage from the night before. Daniel comes out and Nancy tells him that her grandson doesn’t belong there but Daniel informs her this is the age that mental health appears and this could be a one-time episode or the beginning of a lifetime illness. She admits she tried to protect him since he was a baby from his mother who was a drug addict and from gangs and he made it out with a full scholarship. Daniel reminds her that a lot of things happen to people and until they accept the unacceptable, they are of no use to anyone; Cameron needs her and the person he right now needs her more than ever, and she can face this too.

Ethan and April re able to see the Donovans and tell them Thomas doesn’t need surgery, he has a hypothyroid; it will shrink with medication. He is thrilled that he doesn’t need to take a nap. Elsa helps Will get dressed, but he tells her he is leaving but she wants to know if he is really “leaving” as he has been through a lot but he promises he will be back!

Maggie and Sharon return to the ED, where Maggie reveals that she has cancer, so they need to figure out where it has spread and she doesn’t want anyone to know. She will go to East Mercy for the treatment. She intends to keep working and doesn’t want anyone’s pity; Sharon is forced to agree and the two women cry and hug.

Philip is thrilled to see that Natalie is okay and can’t remember what happened. She says she doesn’t remember him proposing but he promises she will. Will watches the couple before he turns to leave. Ethan smiles as April stands with him watching the Donovans. He wants to know if it would have been so bad if she would have been pregnant and maybe they are missing out on something. She agrees – someday!

Charles walks up to Sharon, talking about their rough day, but they are just leaving. Dr. Marcel asks him how he is to handle Cameron tonight. CeCe is back to get Charles and Dr. Marcel offers them a good night and they leave, arm in arm. Connor thanks Latham for being a great teacher but he is leaving Chicago Med; something he doesn’t understand and doesn’t want him to go – his friend. Connor offers his hand and watches everyone in the ED before he makes his own private exit after talking to Sharon, whom he tells her not to talk him out of it. He hopes he isn’t disappointing her but he will be missed. He wants her to say goodbye for him as it may be a little hard. She wishes him good luck and he thanks her.

